Wilted Spinach

3 tbsp. olive oil
8 cloves garlic
1/2 to 1 cup fresh mushrooms, or 1/2 cup dried mushrooms, re-hydrated
large bag spinach
1/4 cup liquid (suggest mushroom stock from re-hydrated mushrooms) or water
2 tsp. garam masala
Salt and pepper to taste

In a heavy bottom pan or pot with a lid, saute garlic for 30 seconds on medium high heat.  Add mushrooms.  Saute mushrooms for 2 minutes being careful not to brown or burn the garlic (which can be very bitter if browned excessively).  Add liquid, spinach, and garam masala.  Cover pot or pan with lid.  Allow spinach to wilt, occasionally checking and stirring.  Season with salt and pepper.

Serve over grilled polenta or as a side to accompany my vegan vindaloo, spaghetti sauce, or other spicy dishes.
