Vegan Vanilla Bean Panna Cotta

1 stick Hime Fancy White Kanten (agar agar)
1 cup sugar
2 2/3 cups soy milk (for a much richer panna cotta, use soy creamer instead of soy milk; or 1/2 soy milk 1/2 soy creamer)
1 vanilla bean pod, split and scraped of its tiny beans

Break kanten into small pieces and allow to soak in soy milk for 30 minutes.  Then boil the kanten/soy milk mixture until the kanten melts.  Add sugar and vanilla bean (both scraped beans and pod).  Simmer for 10-15 minutes.  Remove from flame.  Pour into a serving dish (flan pan, individual dishes, or molds) and allow to cool to room temperature.  Then, place in refrigerator or freezer to chill.   

Serves 5 to 6 people.
