Ethiopian-inspired Collard Greens

This is also called Gomen in Ethiopian cuisine.  It is usually cooked with niter kebbeh (a spiced butter).  I have replaced the spiced butter with a healthy oil and used berberé to season the greens.  

Nutritionally, collard greens are high in vitamins A & C, folate, calcium, fiber, potassium, alpha- and beta- carotene, and lutein.

I served this dish with a previous post, Vegan Pinto Beans and Cornbread.  

1 bag pre-cut collard greens
1 medium/large onion, chopped
2-3 tablespoons olive oil or grapeseed oil
2-4 teaspoons vinegar, to taste
Salt and pepper, to taste
Cayenne, to taste

Rinse collard greens well, then drain.

In a large pot, heat oil. Add chopped onion and seasonings.  Cook on medium high heat until onions are soft and translucent.  Add cut collard greens and mix well.  Cover pot and steam the greens until tender, adding small amounts of water or other liquid as needed.  Adjust seasoning if needed.  

