Salad Trifle

This salad was very popular in the 1970's, as the No Toss Salad.  I've jazzed it up a bit by putting it in a crystal trifle bowl.  It's all still very good today.  Do not add vegetables with a high water content, such as cucumber, tomatoes, or shredded carrots---as the liquid from them will drain to the bottom...and you will have a very soupy salad.

2 small heads  of romaine lettuce, chopped
3/4 cup celery, chopped
1/2 cup green onion, chopped
1 can  water chestnuts, drained and sliced
1/4 cup red onion, chopped
one 10-oz package frozen green peas
2 cups mayonnaise, or vegannaise
1 teaspoon organic sugar
zest of one lemon
shredded cheese or shredded cheese alternative of your choice

Layer vegetables in in trifle bowl.   Mix mayonnaise/vegannaise, sugar, and lemon zest together.  Spread the mayonnaise mixture on top of the salad.  Top with shredded cheese or soy cheese.  Marinate 8 hours in refrigerator prior to serving.  
