Vegan Welsh Tea Cakes

One of my most cherished childhood memories was attending coffee hour after church.  An amazing Welsh lady would always serve the best tea cakes.  I have attempted to recreate it here.  It's a close facsimile but lacks the less than subtle seasoning of a hardy Welsh dialect. 

about 2 cups flour

1/2 lb.(2 sticks) Earth Balance vegan buttery sticks

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup currants or raisins

soy milk or water

Cut flour and butter together to form a very course meal that will stick together when squeezed with your hands.  More flour may be needed since all ingredients are approximate in measurement.  Add sugar. Mix. Add raisins.  Add enough soy milk or water to mixture to form a sticky dough and knead just enough to form a smooth ball. Do not make dough too dry by using excessive flour in kneading process or when rolling dough to about 14/ to 1/2 inch thickness. Then cut into circles or squares and place on griddle for 20 minutes on medium heat. Do not overcook the teacakes because they will be very dry. A clue to test for doneness: press centre of teacake while on the griddle; it is done if the centre feels "cushiony" (semi-firm) but not hard. Then place the hot scones in a tin or airtight container.  The heat given off by the teacakes will finish the cooking process but will not dry them.

I found a non-vegan recipe at
